Using JS

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Authorized Sites

FormChimp JS

Form Chimp Js is a tiny JavaScript library that was made specifically for Form Chimp’s API.

It makes implementing your form in JavaScript simple.

You don’t have to use this library in order to use Form Chimp. You can implement your form how you see fit, using other libraries such as Axios-http. - Using jS

To get started, add the library to your project.

Using NPM:

  npm i formchimp

Once you’ve added From Chimp to your project via NPM, you can use it like so.

import Chimp from 'formchimp';

// Initialize a new instance.
let myForm = new Chimp(`${FORM_ID}`);

let data = {
	massage:"using formchimp successfully!"

// Submit the data

	// do something on successful submission


	// do something on error.


Using CDN:

<script src="<[email protected]/lib/build.js>"></script>

Once you’ve added From Chimp to your project via the CDN, you can use it like so.

**let myForm= new FormChimp.default(`${FORMID}`,)**

let data = {
	massage:"using formchimp successfully!"

	// do something on successful submission


	// do something on error.
